Friday, July 2, 2010

When in a place where the sun is shining...

...remember that sun lotion!
I know you've heard it a billion time before, but it really is that important. Because people DO get skin cancer. And wrinkles. And no matter which one you like the least, it's reason enough to apply SPF.
Personally, I'm about this pale:

Yes, I just skipped a few lines and left a blank space of whiteness, but that is (almost) how pale I am :)
And yes, I would like to get a tan. I used to worry more about getting a tan than protecting my skin, but no matter how many hours I spend outside without any protection, I still didn't seem to be anywhere near a gorgeous "cafe latte". Then I sported being as pale as a vampire (without all the emo-ness, though) by spending no time in the sun at all, and thereby missing out on the good things that come with the light and heat.
Now I think I've found a pretty healthy middle way, by trying not to go outside from noon to 3 pm and to almost always sunscreen (SPF 20). But I enjoy sitting outside on a sunny afternoon, reading a silly book.
And I'm using one of those body lotions with a hint of self tanner. And a sun lotion that helps optimize the tan. And I'm still pale, but at least I'm not ruining my skin.

All I'm saying is that you should consider the consequences of what you do. If you really don't care about cancer and wrinkles, then fine. Go ahead. Ignore the warnings. But then you have no right to feel sorry for yourself when you get older and your skin turns into leather.

Just saying...

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